Journal of Benedict Vi
Day Eight
Eight days... eight days have passed and things aren't looking any better. A lot can change in a sim's life in eight days. They tell me to give in, it's only natural.
Life goes on.
Morrigan had her first birthday.
Eight days.. time flies..
Crying toddlers make so much noise. Why won't someone take care of her? Why is it always on me?
Well, not entirely true. One of the patients seems to have taken to the little kid and picked up some of the slack.
The rest seem more concerned with other things. They don't even bother to pick up the filthy old bottles.
Mid-day, Nona went into labor again.
Because we can always use more children.
No really, children are truly important! They tell me so!
Nona handed the girl straight over to Hildegard, who spends most of her day in her underwear. It's disgusting.
The child's name is Leliana, as good a name as any.
The underwear and pajamas aren't the only problem. There's also the constant hygiene issues.
They tell me it'll be better. I'll get out of here and show the whole world how much better it can be!
Day Nine
Anybody home? No?
All that incessant whining and writing in that stupid journal. As if so many things happen in a house full of crazies.
You want to know what happened? I'll tell you.
One birthday.
And some fussing from that bastard Belial.
As if he should worry about the mumbling and "crazy" behaviour. It's much quieter now isn't it?
That's all that matters. Who cares about what happened or what didn't happen.
Nothing happened. There.
Journal of Benedict Vi
Day Ten
I seem to be missing a day somewhere. I'm sure it was just a nervous breakdown or something. It's hard not to have one in the chaos. Crying sims, food on the floor, poor crying left alone babies.
And puking toddlers.
Why are they leaving the dirty bottles on the floor?
And so I occasionally lose my temper about certain sims and their lack of ability to take care of their own offspring.
Offspring that just had a birthday. All by themselves.
Why can't he see how important the children are!?
Look at this face. How can they not see?
Journal of Benedict Vi
Day Eleven
Calm today. Quiet.
Everyone seems to be back to doing relaxing things..
Fun things...
Childish things.
Maybe it will stay this way? I'd like some quiet. The voices are loud some days. It's hard to focus.
Observation Ship Omicron-6
Data Log
The purposes of this "asylum" seem alien to us. It appears at a glance to be a breeding facility of some sort. But if this is the case then why do they not take better care of the offspring?
While some of the children seem to take up worthy learning pursuits they do not seem to be encouraged to do so. Instead roaming free.
Perhaps a social experiment?
Some of them appear to be results of our own experiments.
We should keep an extra eye on these subjects. Make notes on how their genetics are progressing in the native population.
If a breeding experiment, it is a poorly conducted one. They let one of the male subjects freely interact with more than one female. And have failed to pair up the remaining males and females equally.
Social experiment seems more likely. The subjects seem to be engineered to rile eachother up.
Just in case we've decided to take one of the breeding females for closer inspection and tagging.
End log.
Journal of Benedict Vi
Day Thirteen
They've returned Nona today. I knew they were out there, somewhere. They're always watching, waiting...
Some of the others, they didn't seem to pay attention to it at all.
But maybe this is a good thing. If it helps to keep the kids from becoming traumatized.
Not traumatizing the kids is good. They're precious. I love my little Alistair.
I am unsure whether Nona came back entirely unscathed though.
But atleast she has Anther.
I do hope she decides to restrain herself this time around. Kids are important, precious things to take care of. But we are at a limit right now
We are keeping to a schedule here! Things to be done at the right time, the right place!
Journal of Benedict Vi
Day Fourteen
Alistair's first day of school is today. Despite everything the schoolbus still comes to take the children away. I remind myself it's only for a few hours.
And atleast they're not all out to school just yet.
Belial is still up to his old ways. Oh I know all about him. Him and his fancy tales about his amazing rocket.
It wasn't that amazing.
Some of the others seem to be avoiding me more. Picking up more tasks around the place.
And some just cannot seem to get a grip on things.
I don't understand, it's not that hard. Right?
It's not.
Tomorrow Leliana will leave for school too.
Half days alone.
All alone.
(FR's note: Well, I hope this isn't all over the place. I had to force this writing out and as I already said last week, I'm not much of a writer. Anyway, hope it was still entertaining and hey, atleast it was on time right? I said I would and for a nice change, I managed to do it in a reasonable timespan too :P
Thanks for reading!)