Title: Ship of Souls
Author: Zetta Elliott
Publisher: Amazon Publishing
Format: ARC
Year: 2012
Pages: 124
Genre: Fantasy, YA
Subgenre: Urban Fantasy
Full Disclosure: I received this free through the Amazon Vine program.
Jacket Description
Set in New York City, Ship of Souls features a cast of three African-American teens: D, a math whiz; Hakeem, a Muslim basketball star; and Nyla, a beautiful military brat. When D's mother dies of breast cancer, he is taken in by Mrs. Martin, an elderly white woman. Grateful to have a home, D strives to please his foster mother and succeeds -- until Mercy arrives. Unable to compete with a needy, crack-addicted baby, D disappears into the nearby park and immerses himself in bird watching. At school, he unexpectedly makes friends with Nyla and Hakeem, but just when D thinks he has finally found a way to belong, an unexpected discovery in the park changes everything.
A mysterious bird leads D and his friends on a perilous journey that will take them from Brooklyn to the African Burial Ground in lower Manhattan, and into the very realm of the dead. Their courage and loyalty are tested every step of the way, but in the end, it is D who must find the strength to fulfill his destiny. Steeped in history and suspense, this inspiring urban fantasy provides an enriching experience that readers will find hard to forget.
My Review
This was a well-intentioned novel with a decently evocative sense of place that I found unfortunately too heavy-handed to be enjoyable to read.
The three main characters are the sort I wish there were more of in fantasy -- non-white characters who are centered in the narrative and who are clearly shaped by their race but not entirely defined by it. Unfortunately, they are never given the room to come to life.
Read the rest of the review on my book review blog. My Rating
Overall Satisfaction: ★★
Intellectual Satisfaction: ★★
Emotional Satisfaction: ★★
Read this for: The themes
Don't read this for: The plot, the prose
Bechdel Test: Fail
Johnson Test: Pass
Books I was reminded of: The Hallowed Hunt, by Lois McMaster Bujold