Random Thoughts about the week so far...

Mar 05, 2009 16:46

To Rush Limbough (or however you spell your damn name): PLEASE SHUT UP. I don't even LISTEN to your stupid show and I'm tired of hearing your diatribe on the news. Obama is president (and by the way, I did not vote for him because he had a black father, you idiot), Republicans are no longer in power, GET OVER IT.

The Bachelor: I did not watch the finale or the show even, but I heard about what happened from everyone else and it just confirmed my opinion on how ridiculous the whole bachelor/bachelorette series is. Anyone want to take bets on how long this marriage is going to last? Not long, is my guess. If it even happens at all.

Heroes: My god, no wonder Sylar is so messed up...it's HERIDITARY. Claire's Mom equals major awesome. I always suspected she was, this episode just confirmed it. HRG is an IDIOT for not realizing how lucky he was to have her. I am now of the opinion that I don't like Luke. He's annoying. Not as annoying as Maya was, because I do kind of have to giggle sometimes at him, but still...annoying. But he IS a teenager. I also missed the last fifteen minutes of the show because I had to leave for something, did anything major happen that I missed?

I'm going to give Kings on NBC and Castle on ABC a try this week and see how I like the shows. Kings looks iffy for me but if nothing else the guy who plays David is hot (he also looks familiar, does anyone know where I've seen him before? I feel like I should know him from something...;feels like a dumb blonde;) and Castle looks like a lighthearted snarky romance with mystery added in for fun. I love that. Plus again, the guy playing Castle is hot.Yay for March sweeps.

I'm also trying to decide if I want to try and see Watchmen tomorrow. It looks good, but it also looks mildly gory and depressing and I'm generally not a fan of those kinds of movies (I go do movies to be happy people, my life is depressing enough). I have read the graphic novel of course but that was eons ago and for the life of me I don't remember how stuff ends and it honestly is not one of my favorite comics. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the art, the innovativeness of the story and how it changed the comic industry and all. I respect that. But Batman and his DC coherts will always be my favorite superheroes. Even if I still haven't forgiven DC for killing off Kon and the torture they put Tim through.

I am not on Twitter. Why? Because my life is boring, these blogposts are seriously the highlights of my life and as they are mostly fandom thoughts...well, there you go. Plus, I wouldn't be able to keep my thoughts at one hundred and forty charecters. It's just not possible for me.

I found out there's another Anime Convention! This one is closer and at the end of March. Also probably bigger then Kawa Kon (note to self: POST PICTURES). YAY for two anime conventions in St. Louis! In case you can't tell, I'm going...

On a completely unrelated note: it's WARM OUTSIDE! YAY!

babble, heroes, current events

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