Dec 23, 2008 22:36
Well, I work tomorrow on Christmas Eve till six....God help me. I'll let you all know if I survive. I tell you this retail business is more then it's cracked up to be. On one hand, I get paid a little better and treated better...but the hours SUCK.
I also don't know what I was thinking...but I broke down and bought Twilight. I know, I know, I've said I can't stand what little I've read of it but that's the thing: I haven't read the whole thing. I sat at my school library way back when and read the first few chapters and found my self immediately annoyed by Bella and so put it down. Just the first five chapters (I'm a fast reader and let's face it, the writing is not high literature) alone were enough to make me not look at the book. Back then the series had just started out and I don't think the craze had hit just yet so I figured that would be that. I really need to remember not to underestimate teenage girls and their it's all I freaking hear about sometimes.
I would have let it rest but whenever I get into a conversation about the book with someone they always start to go (in a really snotty voice, may I add?) "well have you read it all the way through?" That can stop a debate pretty short and I have to admit basing my feelings on those first few chapters is probably not wise and I hate people who despise a book series/band etc. that they haven't even read and are just basing their opinion on what they've heard (yes, this is a blatant reference to that Mallory woman who hates Harry Potter and tries to ban them BUT HAS NEVER READ THEM) so I am going to read the book the whole way through and try to keep an open mind (which apparently is my problem with the series according to its fans even though last time I checked I was fairly open minded even if I am a self admitted book snob which is totally my Grandmother's fault. She's a retired English teacher and kept pushing all the classics on me as a kid when I wanted to read was Nancy Drew, she just couldn't let it go). If there are no more posts, assume I proceeded to give myself a concussion after banging my head on the wall over Bella's stupidity.
Oh well. I need something light and airy to read anyway, I've just finished Son of a Witch by Gregory McGuire. Great book, really detailed (actually sometimes a little TOO detailed but at least it serves a purpose...I think), but rather dark and like all his books tends to make you think about humanity, human pshychology, politics...and many other things. I'm actually a little disappointed in it, I don't think it's as good as Wicked but for a sequel it's well done. I'm not sure if I want to read the Lion book he has out know, the one about the cowardly lion? I think I'll wait till it hits paperback like I did his others. I still have to go through Mirror, Mirror too come to think...but I think I'll wait till after Twilight because I'm sure by then I'll be begging for decent literature...I said I was going to try and be open minded about the book, didn't I?