Title: Pain Somewhere in my Chest
Pairing: Hanchul
Wordcount: 343
Summary: drabble of sort
Heechul laughs at his Chinese accent and Hankyung feels a pain somewhere in his chest. It makes him want to crush the man into his arm, never letting go so that he can always for himself. It makes him think of a small house and lazy mornings and … then he stops thinking because he just can’t let his dreams go too far.
Heechul cracks a smile through a haze of morphine and Hankyung feels a pain somewhere in his chest. He squeezes Heechul’s hand and brushes a lock of hair away even though he wants to gather Heechul up and rock away the pain naturally so that the man won’t have to rely on drugs to be calmed, so that there would be no crazy cars and netizens to give his hearth broken confidence.
Heechul whispers into his ear about the latest girl groups and Hankyung feels a pain somewhere in his chest. It scares him a bit, this relationship they have. So much like that of best friends, but so much more because he would throw himself in front of train, not to make sure that Heechul is unscratched because that would be stupid, but to make sure that the world’s only Heesica would continue to puzzle everyone with eccentricities and surprising talents.
Heechul cries and Hankyung feels a pain somewhere in his chest. He regrets everything he might have done and everything that he will do. It throws him into a world where there’s mirrors that magnifies that image of Heechul’s pain and sorrow, making him forget and all he wants to do is to brush his thumb against a wet cheek and murmur nonsensible jumbles of Korean and Chinese that only Heechul would understand.
Heechul smiles at him, sincerity in his eyes and honesty in the way he tugs at Hankyung’s hand, and Hankyung feels a pain somewhere in his chest. It’s then that he knows that what he has for Heechul is just love. Heartbreaking, tear-jerking, crazily addicting love.