Aaaaand back to reality

Sep 28, 2009 20:02

I've found that this working thing isn't so bad after the first...has it been four, or six...weeks.  The time actually flies by, once the kids start coming in.  Before I know it, I'm washing the last dishes of the day and emptying my register.

Hell, I've even found the time to pick a favorite kid.  He shall remain unnamed because, well, that's how I roll.  But like, he says "May I" and tells Joleen to have a nice day, and says "thank you very much."

Hear that?  Very.  Much.

It's adorable.

Joleen is totally cool, too.  A few months younger than me and still in high school.  It's fun to work with her.  She jokes around a lot and has things to talk about.  Not that Sandy isn't really nice or anything, too.  I'm just not good at bringing stuff up and apparently neither is she 0-o.

Jo is good for that, though.  She also watches cartoons, which is win.

Other than that, not so much to talk about.  Turn stuff on, put food in, take food out, serve and cash out.  Rinse, repeat.  I even have my own alarm clock now X3 -is retardedly proud of that fact-

And somehow, some way, I've probably done more writing and bunny creating since work started than I managed over the summer.  Though I'd need to not be too lazy to actually tally things up to see the truth in that.  Maybe it's just my general mood.  It's a writing mood.  Makes me wish I had the patience for some original fiction, yanno?  The farthest I've ever gotten with such fiction is about 17 pages of...utter garbage.  Garbage that I've since deleted from my computer and the internet in general.

My latest challenge (thanks so much, Tauni) is to attempt some TMNT horror-fic.  Horror's not generally my strong suit, I think.  It'll probably turn out to be quite a bit fail-riddled.  The only idea thingeh I have so far is some kind of carnival.  House of mirrors, that kind of thing.  Though to be honest, whatever I could write for it seems to be slipping farther away with each passing moment.  Curses.

On an ending and unrelated note, I've decided I'm going to start recording some weird as fuck conversations around the household of Dani.  You'll probably see them before too long.

obligations, work, horror, plot bunnies

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