I cannot tell my sister anything. Don't know why I keep forgetting that, it's not fair. She keeps sucking me back in.
I tell her I'm gay, she uses it in the future as leverage to keep me from telling mom and dad things about her. And then proceeds to pass on everything else I ever say to her to mom. There is supposed to be a trip this weekend. Mom texts us to ask about snacks, and I foolishly talk about how I didn't really want to go in the first place- ten hours in the car over the course of two days, my road trip quota is filled. Guess who was in the room, phone in hand? Not five minutes later, I get this series of texts:
Mom: You know what? I feel like we have the most unappreciative bratty teens for kids who are supposed to appreciate everything! If you girls don't want to go this weekend stay the hell home!
(I get a bit snippy about it, again, in the room. Not via text to her because I actually prefer not to get rotten with my mother, god only knows why. JUST AFTER SPEAKING ABOUT THAT:)
Mom: Don't you give chris crap! I have a phone and you know where I live. You can complain to me if there's a problem
Mom: AND you're moving out of the basement!
...and into what goddamn room, mom? And why even bother when we're just moving from this house likely before the year is out? I don't- I don't even- am I not entitled to have my own opinion and stuff to say without you finding out about it? THIS is why I like to stay in the basement all day.
None of this, of course, being information I will share with her because it would either piss her off more or get her all "hurt feelings" on me. I'm no good with people who talk about things /mutter grumble mrrr
/goes back to Chouji app
/tries to think of post to amuse self with