This will be under a cut as well. If folks from WisCon don't feel comfy with these pics in public, just tell me and I will take them down.
Admittedly I did not take very many pictures. I'm no good at this. But this time I felt I had to record stuff for posterity.
This is
tithenai and Viceroy Chang, mascot of Beyond Victoriana!
The very beautiful
angry black woman K. Tempest Bradford:
The Rotund, Marianne, and myself:
Sumana Harihareswara who is NOT Rachel Swirsky despite sitting in for her on the "Describing Non-White Characters" panel:
A terrorist cell! No, wait, it's just
tithenai and
(Have I mentioned Saladin has a novel coming out?
Which is available for pre-order?)
I went meandering for breakfast before my "Body Language Online" panel and had to capture this:
A. Lothian, who I met after an academic panel. She's editing this year's WisCon Chronicles, AND she's a PhD student studying with Judith Halberstam (who I studied earlier this year), and her diss is on queer time in feminist utopias. I may or may not have made a complete embarassment of myself in discovering this latter facts.
Author Neesha Meminger and fan blogger
oyceter and myself, doing the stereotypical Azn thing:
Fabulous women of colour, among them Nisi Shawl, this year's GOH and Andrea Hairston, next year's GOH:
Folks taking pictures of fabulous women of colour!
More fab women of colour!
(Tempest, Nisi the Guest of Honor, Candra, Kate Nepveu and Oyceter)
Me giving the lovable, huggable Nisi Shawl a hug:
Nisi and sister Gina:
Japanese feminists come all the way to tell us here how they do feminism scifi cons, with Ash and D:
Ash sporting a handsome beard for the Genderfloomp party:
The Genderfloomp party is exact;y that... encouraging gender-bending and dressing without restrictions on how one SHOULD present. It was pretty effin' awesome. And here is a dance-off:
(D, me, and Oyceter)
Blue tape on the floor means make it available floorspace for wheelchair users. WisCon isn't perfect, but it's really shown me what can be possible at a fan convention in terms of accessibility:
Myself and Eileen Gunn:
D and Eileen:
And to end on a happy happy note, D and Nisi doing jazz hands!