Hi folks! MY FACE IS FREEZING. I jogged and wrote on Friday (you can find my post for Apex Magazine
here), and yesterday was my Fukitol day, so I... shoveled and cleaned. Yes.
Anyway, links! In the order which I found them:
Are you a moral author? HarperCollins will drop your book if your "conduct evidences a lack of due regard for public conventions and morals, or if Author commits a crime or any other act that will tend to bring Author into serious contempt, and such behavior would materially damage the Work’s reputation or sales."
Why pseudonyms are good, which to me validates my choice to keep a variety of platforms. Even if I'm not on Facebook and have less of a social life as a result.
New Goblin Fruit issue is up! Also newly up,
I know I mentioned Jaded16India last linkfest, but she posted so much good stuff on Tumblr this week:
On Treasuring DifferenceCartographies of StruggleDear White Feminists An amazing couch that folds into a two-fer bunk bed You Offend Me, You Offend My Family tells us all about Kato Axe Cop is a comic created by a 25-yr-old taking script directions from his five-year-old brother. The result is about as cracktastic as you can imagine.
Those Facebook Stalker Apps Don't Work The Suvudu Writing Contest. For US residents only, alas, but the winner gets an editorial review and possible publication by Del Rey!
Fascinating Islamic art by Simeen Ishaque Farhat Some art pieces made from everyday objects transformed with wire A re-write of the ending of the Twilight series. Twi haters may enjoy this a bit too much.
Part 14 in a series, but this bit deals with midlist writers and big publishers and how ebooks factor in What's white space, and how did Facebook use it to its advantage over MySpace? It's been making the rounds, but here it is:
Sarah Palin Steampunk Comic.
Because I'm sure you always wanted to know about how Right Whales have threesomes Amanda Hess
sums up this week's advice columns.
An interview with literary agent Sara Megibow Another contest! This one from Passionate Ink, a romance publisher. There're two categories, one for published writers, and one for unpublished writers.
Karen Healey apologizes Francis Ford Coppola on artists sharing their work CON OR BUST fundraising has begun!!! (More on this when I have time)
Muslimah Media Watch covers
women in the Tunisian revolution How Muslim fundamentalism is strangling Malay traditional art forms White people have problems with Native American blessing NYT covers a club event for gay Arabs in New York Mai'a Medicine
has some thoughts about tokenism I'm off to a potluck now! Have a good week, folks!!
This entry was originally posted at
http://jhameia.dreamwidth.org/22398.html. Please comment there using OpenID.