Yes! I kid you not! There awas The Heroic Trio (HK title, int`l English title was Eastern Three Heroes) and the sequel, Heroic Trio 2: Executioners, aka Modern Day Wonder Heroes Legend.
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The first movie is fair fantasy fare. The second movie was far more memorable for me, since I remember quite clearly Wonder Woman helping someone recover their stolen bagged water (this dystopian future has a water shortage). I also remember Anthony Wong`s masked character, and Wonder Woman being in prison for a while. She is so depressed over the loss of her family she refuses to eat. Then she notices that all the other prisoners and prison rats are dying after eating the bread. So she drinks the blood of live rats instead, and carves herself a new mask from a piece of metal lying around, and when that`s done, busts out of prison.
I also remember the ending, too.