CR for capeandcowl!!

May 15, 2011 15:37

APHRODITE (dropped)

OH HOW SHE HATES HER. Seriously. Seriously. This is the chick that ruined everything between her and Zevran, and on top of that has the audacity to claim to be a god! She seems to have disappeared, and that's good. Khisanth would definitely have to kill her otherwise.
Low threat; enemy.



Ugh, who is this kid and how does she keep running into him. He's not properly afraid of her. Annoying like a fly, and about as inconsequential. Once cast a 'slow the fuck down' spell on him and that was pretty darn amusing.
No threat; snack food.



She's never met someone as ridiculously nice as Booga is. It's impossible not to like him. That he often compliments her pretty much assured some fondness, and that even in the face of her bitchiness he just kept being nice cemented it. She's blood mingled with him, and he's about the only person here she's comfortable calling a friend. Which she appreciates more than she'd be willing to say, if she even realized the extent of it herself. He knows she's a dragon, and so she would even stand up for his fragile little kangaroo self with her big beefy dragon self if he ever got in trouble. Too bad about that time she tortured him, but that wasn't her fault.
No threat; friend.



Okay, so she's pretty annoying. Really annoying. Bratty, arrogant, and apparently all she can do is teleport. How lame! She wouldn't mind killing her if it weren't for that imPorts-come-back rule, which is a pretty decent deterrent, because she's not quite worth that much hassle.
No threat; snack food.



What a goody two-shoes. :| Seriously, how does someone like this even exist. Ugh, he's worse than Dick.
No threat; neutral/disliked.



Interesting, mostly because he pretty much refused to tell her anything about himself, and maybe someone to watch! Or maybe not. She hasn't decided yet.
Potential threat; neutral.



Well, she used to like him. She used to like him quite a lot. But then he turned her down for sex, and that was pretty lame, so she decided to stop talking to him altogether. But then she accidentally killed him, and, uh, oops. She's not sure why saying "you were in a cape and cowl I didn't know it was you it's totally not my fault" isn't enough to rectify this situation, and it's kind of annoying that he seems determined to make her pay for her habit of eating people! She'd liked this guy, why is he such a douche now? :(
Low threat; enemy.



Another person who is interesting and warrants keeping an eye on! She's pretty sure he could be useful and used to further her own goals, and he seems to have the right attitude toward approaching someone powerful. Of course she'll have to watch him like a hawk to ensure that the inevitable betrayal isn't damaging, but she's used to that.
High potential threat; enemy/ally.



Ugh, this guy is so annoying. At first he seemed like a pushover, sort of in the way Booga is but less pleasing, but then he changed and now he's just stupid. No respect for him, and the only reason she'd talk to him is out of morbid curiosity. She'd kill him if she got the chance, but she's not going out of her way for it. She's a tiny bit more wary of him since he began hinting that he has something else going for him (speed?), but she still refuses to take him seriously.
Minimal threat; enemy.



Terribly amusing. The righteous sort always is. He's easy to rile, and seems powerful… but she's pretty sure she could easily kill him as a dragon, so she's not particularly worried about that part. Mostly she plans to keep right on trolling (and also to never let him realize she was the tiny dragon he fed dog biscuits to :|).
Minimal threat; enemy.


HARLEY QUINN (dropped)

She likes Harley! Harley reminds her a lot of the only friend back home that has never A) betrayed her or B) died (yet, just you wait for a canon update). She's useful, nonjudgmental, some breed of nice, and she gets the feeling Harley isn't likely to betray her. And it offends her on some level that the Joker doesn't give Harley the attention she ought to have, but she's caught between doing something about it and being utterly apathetic. Swinging heavily toward apathetic. But at least the thought is there!
No threat; friendly/ally.



This guy is interesting. Part elf, part… apparently creature of the Abyss? She didn't know you could have something like that. But anyway, she respects him for his power, even if she finds him a little silly and easy to manipulate. Certainly easy to manipulate into powering her apartment for a while. Also she totally boned him, and never before has the world seen sex between such enormous egos. But anyway, that, and then being his general when he summoned fake!Chthulu to the City made him sort of a hesitant sort-of ally to her, even if she ended up running out on him and leaving him to die. Whatever, it happens. He didn't seem too offended and she didn't see need to apologize, so it was cool.
High potential threat, ally.



Zevran's… something or other. Right up until the love spell incident this would have meant that he was interesting and possibly worth stalking, but now he's right up there in the 'to be avoided' category with Zevran. She doesn't care so much about him, that's just how badly she wants to avoid Zevran.
Oh yeah and she accidentally killed him once, but it was okay. He got better.
No threat; unfriendly.



Who the crap is this over affectionate girl that hugged her. Khisanth has sort of assigned herself as Jade's guardian dragon out of sheer boredom, but she sort of wonders if this assignment means putting up with more than she's willing to. But she'll continue to extend the offer of a rescue-in-the-face-of-Gamzee until she's bored of it, which hasn't happened yet. In fact, since learning that her spell failed and Jade got attacked away, protecting her has become sort of a matter of pride.
No threat; neutral.



Although he reminds her so much of Led, she's coming to like him. Even when she flipped shit and tried to kill him based on a misunderstanding, he still didn't fight back and treated her well afterward. That's the kind of loyalty she can appreciate. He refused to blood mingle with her, which was pretty lame, but managed to convince her that they were friends in spite of that. So, hey, why not. Besides, he takes her out to nice places and there's good sex afterward, it would be a shame to screw that up.
Minimal threat (if treated with caution); friend.



Definitely someone she's keeping tabs on. He's not only slightly charming and decidedly attractive, but actually got the better of her once fksghskjng dammit stupid illusions. If she decides to trust him, at least a little bit, she'll show him the (almost) full extent of what she can do, the better to prove a useful cog in whatever plan he dreams up for escaping this universe. It just remains to be seen whether she can trust him that much.
Potential threat; friendly/potential ally.



What a… weirdly excitable kid. She didn't like him much when she ran into him as Onyx, and just sort of casually threatened his life when a spell had an unintended effect and threw her off-guard for a few seconds. He wasn't so bad when she ran into him as Khisanth, though.
No threat; neutral.



He seems like an interesting guy so far! She hasn't been impressed by anything just yet, but she gets the feeling he has potential. Also he's apparently Harley's ex-boyfriend, so that's… interesting. She likes Harley more than she likes the Joker, so she probably won't decide to sleep with him, for Harley's sake.
No threat; friendly/potential ally.



She totally digs Lust. She fully recognizes her as dangerous and must-be-watched, but she likes what she sees and thinks possibly she might make a good ally. You know, in the same way a lit stick of dynamite is a good ally. And now that she doesn't care about Zevran anymore, there won't be any territorial disputes between them! How wonderful.
High threat; friendly/potential ally.



Now here's a guy that properly appreciates warfare! She definitely likes this guy, and he's just so charmingly polite and cheerful on top of it. What a bro. :') If she paid any attention to, you know, anything, she might wonder why the majority of the City hates him.
No threat; friendly.



An interesting little human. It's impressive that she's so young and already has magic so well under control. She didn't like her for their first conversation because she seemed so passive, but meeting her in person changed that. You're allowed to be passive when you can fly without wings. Reminds her a little bit of the nyphids, which means Rose will probably be able to drive her crazy without being in danger of being eaten. Since Rose has gone home and come back again, Khisanth is less interested in her. She's no longer willing to play along, and she can't see her as useful for anything.
Minimal threat; neutral.



She's not terribly impressed by her so far. "Catwoman", really? She doubts she has any useful information or talents to offer, and isn't nice or complimentary enough to attract her attention. And now that she's hating on Zevran, she's even less likely to like her.
No threat; neutral.



She can always appreciate a calm, put-together dude like Snape. He's polite and well-mannered, and best of all, properly respectful of a dragon. Aaannnddd sucking up probably for a reason and not to be trusted, yes, but hey! That's the way of things, you're stupid not to expect it. So she'll just enjoy his company in the meantime.
Minimal threal; friendly.



Kind of a ridiculous pushover who is fun to troll. But, when out of boredom she offered to protect one person from Gamzee, he picked Jade instead of himself. So that's an interesting dimension! This makes him a little more interesting than simple amusement, and she intends to keep an eye on him.
Since he left and came back, he's actually asked her not to kill Gamzee. Which is totally weird, so she doesn't plan on listening to that.
No threat; neutral.



At first he was just a semi-interesting ally, but he's recently elevated himself to teacher status. And even if he's not teaching her any really really useful spells like the nyphids did, he's still assumed appreciated and friendly status as ~dispenser of knowledge~, and she's even come to genuinely like him. She enjoys learning from him, enough to put up with the little indignities she has to suffer to do it (sweatpants, really?) and can even recognize the value of learning to better control her emotions. She's more relaxed around him than anyone else.
No threat; friendly.



Holy fuck, this is pretty much the largest dragon she's ever seen in her life. She didn't even know they got this big! But she… seems willing to not kill Khisanth, so that's good? Khisanth would pretty much to do anything to keep it that way, too. Hell, she'll get along with anyone you want her to get along with, lady. Just don't eat her. D: This is the only person in the City that she outright fears, and no matter how nice/patient/peaceful she seems, there's no way in hell she'd ever trust her because of it.



She was beginning to really like Zevran. Even if the humility and servitude thing was just an act, it was a pleasing one. She was even coming to respect him and think of him as a friend, and it was disappointing that he didn't seem to regard her as a friend back. Which of course made her huff and pretend like she'd never considered him friend-material in the first place.
Until Aphrodite introduced a lovespell into the mix! Under its influence Khisanth admitted to loving Zevran, gave him a fancy car as a gift, slept with him, and asked him to be her rider. The first was pretty bad, the last was unforgivable. She now wants to completely forget he exists, and the only thing stopping her from killing him is that he didn't take advantage of her trust while she was under the spell. It depresses her if she lets herself think about it (she doesn't) that someone that she hates could have been a friend, but there's nothing she can do about it. Good thing she doesn't think about it.
Minimal threat; enemy.



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