Title: The Sister Stories: New Death
the_disillusionType: Gen
Word Count: 15,950
Rating: PG-13 for violence and language
Warnings Violence (but nothing gory), language, mention of drug use
Summary: In a world where supernatural beings are the norm, vampires are still viewed with awe and caution. Young vampires are taught to be wary of media attention and stay away from seedy vampires. For the most part, they behave and live normal lives, but sometimes, vampires need helpful...nudges to make sure they comply with the rules.
Near the top of the complex vampire hierarchy are seven vampires tasked with watching over vampires in one of the seven vampire covens. They operate in secret and often act as vampire internal affairs, protecting vampires not only from outside forces, but from each other. These vampires are stronger, faster, and more powerful than normal vampires. They can walk in the sunlight, change their features at will, and view blood memories from other vampires and humans. They're called "Sisters".
As one of the oldest vampire Sisters, Val has a duty, but someone is calling in a favor--a human someone needing a vampire issue taken care of. She has no problem taking on vampires who aren't playing by the rules, since before she became a Sister, she was one of the deadliest mercenary vampires on the earth. But when a human forced into illegal servitude gets thrown into the mix, Val has to choose between her duty and her instincts.
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