Horses & castles go hand in hand.. like chalk & cheese!

Nov 01, 2010 23:19

Im not sure if castles & horses go hand in hand but it did sound good as a subject title. Anyway this isnt a medieval like story of some kind, but of two seperate topics ; Castle (t.v. show ) which we all ♥ and horses. :P

I will begin with castle since well its what im more concerned about i suppose & will make the many castle fans quite happy.
During my random web searches on castle to see what was in store for season 3 which seems like a great one, which i cant wait for i stumbled along the fact that ABC a t.v. coorperation have decided  created a book  (two books) that were mentioned in the series ie. the Nikki heat novels. When reading this i couldnt believe my eyes.. but in fact its true. Being such a long time lover of this show from its roots, i was so ashamed of myself & the fact that i didnt know this..
What i did want to know is if anyone has read these books yet & if it was worth it to get for a present. I cant seem to find it anywhere in Aus libraries *shame on Australia* but i wanted to find out if anyone has read or bought it yet.!! Before I do get anyones hopes up it is only 10 chapters.. and it isnt really his story. more a dedication i suppose, but i did want to know what everyone did think about it still. All opinions welcome!

& now onto the horses.
So for those who didnt know/ dont know tommorow being the first tues in November we have the annual Melbourne cup. It is 'SUPPOSED' to be the RACE THAT STOPS THE NATION!!
However, for the first year in my life its not going to be. This year i will be doing my second exam (Biostatistics & epidemiology) which will runn through the time that the race occurs. I guess what doesnt make this better is the fact that the exams are run in huge hall areas at another racecourse where racing events do occur each year in the spring. Ah i shoudnt complain though, but I do wish it was like Year 12 exams when they  did care about you & didnt make exams on that day. I guess I have to learn that life isnt always going to be the way you want it.. According to my mum.. there could be many more to come!. Why should I be even complaining.. its not like its just me, there are others doing it too. Guess I shouldnt be complaining like I am!.  There is always firsts for everything... like this & when i make my first banner/icon!.

I havent made a banner/icon before in my life *probably its quite sad too*  probably confounded by the fact that i dont have photoshop yet!! i will be though, sometime next year & was hoping that someone would lead me somewhere to really basic creation of banners & icons (nothing with selective colouring etc). Who knows.. maybe i will be creating my own work in the not so distant future.. & you will be seeing them everywhere!!
KK & hearts
1st November 2010

icons, melbourne cup, exams, banners, horses, castle (t.v. show)

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