Nov 23, 2009 10:20
There are two types of people: introverts and extroverts. Those whom express themselves openly, and others that dont. It is these qualities which have an impact upon our ability to make friends, and sometimes to lose friends, simply within an instant. As a friend, you usually share your most darkest, inner secrets to receive hope and comfort for those terrible times, and to be shown that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, a silver lining as such. A close and loving friend, told me some stories, about the one i cherish somethings which i didn't even know to exist. It was this moment, which made me question is there a line in the sand which distinguishes what one individual will share? Is there things that people will tell others, and maybe not you. Does that say something about who you are, or the status of your relationship? Does it say that you are a terrible friend, who is not trustworthy simply because you worry for what this may become?
It was this that makes me question the extent of my friendships and relationships with others, how much do i really know about the ones i love? I'm sure that its very little, because after all to not know this about someone i love to death says alot about my ability as a friend. It could suggest, well it didn't turn up. However, this just brings up the most vital question of all, do we tell everyone about these such terrible events, or do we simply just tell it when it pops up during a conversation? Or does it all relate to the idea of whom you trust with these delicate feelings, or whom you think deserves/needs to know it. Does age play an impact on how much you know?
Is not knowing a sign of care and respect for the individual that does not know, simply because knowing would hurt their feelings, crushing them into a ball and rolling down a hill to oblivion. Is it the fact, that if we know the person only for a short period of time, or that we only see them once in a while will influence our true knowledge about an individual.
Why should i be toiling with this idea? Well, there is no reason to be. The individual in question, probably has some sort of reasons for me not knowing. He probably thought through these before considering to tell my friend, and possibly wanted to tell me. The tingling feeling that remains within you, making you feel like you've forgotten something in the morning. The butterflies that circle your stomach, making you nervous to tell , because of the fear that has become of yourself, since knowing.
Whatever the scenario, that made this person not tell me, is somewhat comforting. Comforting for the fact that he possibly cares, but fearful for their life within the future. After all, each human being is capable of making decisions, and the decisions that one person chooses to make, is different to another individuals choices. Whatever the outcome, our decisions are made in times of CONFLICT .
Often or not, people chose the right outcome in times of a conflict. However, sometimes we can make the wrong decision.
It is somewhat good to know a little more about this person, more than others may. However, once i know now there is that feeling, of what am i meant to do with it. Am i to keep it as a "in my head knowledge" or tell people about it.
I'm sure in the times of conflict i face, the same as the individual who has the secret and whom the story orginated from, we all make the right decision. That right decision allows us to make the individual see the light at the end of the tunnel, the silver lining within life.
KK ♥
23 November, 2009