Mar 24, 2006 14:36
Ok today is going wrong it seems ^^;
First, nothing big, but I got irritated with the game test of GW Factions not working right. Anyway, a worl exclusively asian miss of Heroic Fantasy to me, so I should not be too disappointed even if that doesn't work here...I'd say I prfer to save for Spellborn, but I'm not sure of wanting a paying MMOPRPG, depends if I'm working or not then.
Second, I have death angsts today. Even more right now. I just feel stupid being alive and meeting and loving people and animals to see them die one day..I know it's stupid as an opinion, but it comes like an angst and I can't fight it x_x
Well, at least I'm conscious it will stop soon -those crisises aren't long usually. So don't bother with it please ^^
mmmmh I'm sure thinking about my RP will change my mood....hope so anyway