Sudden change of plans?

May 03, 2004 11:14

Wow is something possitive happening in my life for once? Well my mom decided to take the for sale sign down from our house and she said she decided shes not going to move and my dad as well. They are talking and getting along so shit seems to be going good. We'll see how everything goes, hopefully it goes good because I mean Miami sucks but I rather live here anyday over moving to Orlando or Tampa. Oh yes, thats a for sure. They redecorated my room I dont like it, it looks like a fucking hotel room. Maybe i'll like it more when I have all my band posters back up.

The other day my friend Charles lawyer called my cellphone because Charles had gotten arrested in my car awhile back. So he needed me as a witness because the cops did illegal searches and roughed us up for no reason so I did I told the story. Which the lawyer had said if you help and say the exact story your friends case will be dropped and he wont have no bullshit house arrest or jailtime etc. So he called me today saying thank you like 3563446523 times because exactly what I said he said so the stories matched and they dropped his case. worrrrd.

I got my new semesters schedule. Im back in college.

Monday and Wednesday - 9:00-10:50
Tuesday and Thursday - 10:00-10:50

You heard me?
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