(no subject)

Nov 09, 2008 08:56

Lol I'm feeling so totally retarded and so very dorky right now...Right so I was watching disney channel cause I was like so bored and I realised there was kim possible playing and I remembered I used to totally love that girl and wanted to be so much like her..well whatever..The episode started with that Kim possible song and I was like "God damn it 5 years ago I was in love with Kim and now I'm completely in love with the song!!!"
Gah I had never realised how the song was cool..I mean it gets you in the Kim possible mood completely lol xDD Like it's so energetic and stuff...God well then I went looking for the song (I'm such a nerd I know xD) and found out that it was Christina Millan who sang the song and  was like O,O...ahem..wtf? Deep it low is the one singing call me beep me..Well anyway..I'm still feeling somehow ridiculous for downloading this song! But damn im so addicted to it now!Geeheehee 8D
Yeah and there is something else really bothering me and this thing is called Hannah Montana!!!God how I hate that girl!!!!And on disney channel it's like from morning to evening and even at night it goes on with this stupid serie!!It's like so perfect..everything is so perfect in that pretty life of hers..And damn it its just so boring and stupid...Gosh it's not even funny!!!!!><
And at the  end it always has to end with a stupid lesson like how Miley finally understood what her stupid father was telling her..that she shouldn't..well shouldn't do or say whatever she did or said all along the serie!!!!Gah it gets on my nerves!!!And I can't stand the ppl who like that fugly bitch!Or these stupid girls who are in love with the Jonas brothers or High School Musical or worse...Camp Rock!!!!And these girls are like 3/4 of the girls of my age (thank God only one of my friends love these stuffs and she isn't even that close to me anymore)!!!!!The songs suck...The ppl singing them suck...So what is left of them to like?oO
I mean these Jonas Brothers are neither cute nor talented!!And they dare call their music Rock??O.o WTF?????WTF is wrong with them?Stupid and ugly poppers!If the Jonas brothers are rockers then I wonder what slipknot is..seriously!>.>'
Stupid 14 year old asses who love them!I know I'm 14 (soon 15 xD) but I consider myself much less retarded than these idiots (except for the fact that I download the Kim possible song 8DD) and God I'm so proud of myself for being in love with Aoi instead of Joe Jonas or Zac Efron or whatever asses that exist in this disney channel world!


stupidity, diary, life

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