Title: Mostly Harmless (AKA The Obligatory Though Very Time-Inappropriate Morally Grey Christmas Fic)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Claude/Bennet
Spoilers: For Company Man
Summary: Santa Hats, Jail Cells, Revenge, and Porn
Notes: This started as a ficlet for
Sekrit Cabal Ficlet Battle and ended up... not quite that, what with it being a bit over 9K and all
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makes me think they could easily pwn a spinoff series and also makes me kinda wanna write something huge in Company Years. They so deserve it.
They totally could, and you should, and they do! I'd love it if you wrote a big Company years fic. HUGE.
LOL@ the idea of Claude tattooing Bennet's lily-white ass. Yeah, I think Sandra might have something to say about that. Maybe it's an invisible tattoo?
They're just intensely adept at getting under each other's skin, knowing all the weak spots. Would be pretty damn painful if they actually wanted to hurt each other, y'know? But that's what post-shooting is for. :D
For some reason, this has given me the mental phrase "the rug burn that dare not speak its name". Make what you will of that :P And yeah, if someone's firmly under your skin then when you hurt them, you make an ass out of you ... or something.
And YA RLY, you can totally have your geek award for Most Inappropriate Use Of A Santa Hat EVAR. In fact, I'd swear there was a category for that in the heroes_slash fic awards ... ;P
What's scarier is airspaniel writing something along these exact lines...
It is. Scary and hot. *doesn't know which way to look* _>
And you're right, I wouldn't have you any other way :)
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