Title: Mostly Harmless (AKA The Obligatory Though Very Time-Inappropriate Morally Grey Christmas Fic)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Claude/Bennet
Spoilers: For Company Man
Summary: Santa Hats, Jail Cells, Revenge, and Porn
Notes: This started as a ficlet for
Sekrit Cabal Ficlet Battle and ended up... not quite that, what with it being a bit over 9K and all
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Oh, and considering that my username is FROM the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, I obviously loved all that stuff. *Winks*
Glad you liked the Hitchhiker-y stuffs! I'm just happy I could find a use for a Hitchhiker ref in a title.
I actually had Bennet modify a quote from it in my exchange piece (which I am working on right now, by the way).
Heh, Bennet would so quote HGTTG. Bet he could recite Vogon poetry, too. *cheers for your exchange fic!*
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