So, I might actually be free of exam season. Possibly. Haven't gotten all the results yet, so I don't wanna jinx myself.
But at least now I should have some time to write. Once I climb out of my writing stupor, anyhow. It's been a while. @_@
fantasticpants (12:47:43 AM): West makes for some horrifying namemeshing.
fantasticpants (12:48:17 AM): Best, Pest, Nest.
runningondreams (12:48:19 AM): *headdesk*
runningondreams (12:48:42 AM): and don't forget Cest.
fantasticpants (12:49:04 AM): Cest vs. 'cest!
runningondreams (12:49:00 AM): yes!
fantasticpants (12:49:17 AM): I foresee epic wank.
runningondreams (1:05:42 AM): oh dear. we have twins! they should not give this fandom twins!
fantasticpants (1:06:28 AM): Maya/Alejandro is twu luv stfu!
fantasticpants (1:11:18 AM): And there's more old Trek casting. Wonder if Uhura is gonna be as dominatrix as Pa.
runningondreams (1:11:16 AM): xDD
fantasticpants (1:11:37 AM): Bet she can dom Pa. :O
fantasticpants (1:11:44 AM): I HAZ NEW OTP!
fantasticpants (1:13:25 AM): And I sense a lot of Peter noncon in the beginning of the season...
fantasticpants (1:13:48 AM): And Kensei/Hiro plz.
runningondreams (1:13:46 AM): And an irish mobster! And a MarySue Katrina victim! and an actrual princess! I think the soap opera may be complete. maybe. we need some russians. and chinese. and.. australians.
runningondreams (1:20:41 AM): yes. and just... we already have someone who can fly. So unless West has wings I am severely disappointed.
fantasticpants (1:21:15 AM): Wings would be so very awesome. XD
runningondreams (1:21:09 AM): *really likes wings*
runningondreams (1:21:29 AM): yes. And difficult to hide. But totally awesome.
fantasticpants (1:22:00 AM): Bennet could contract Elle to staple wings onto him.
runningondreams (1:22:04 AM): I mean, if they're going to rip off x-men a bit they may as well do it properly
runningondreams (1:22:17 AM): *nodsnods* a very good idea.
fantasticpants (1:22:52 AM): Nah, I think they should give Stephen Tobolowsky wings.
runningondreams (1:23:10 AM): *snort*
fantasticpants (1:23:30 AM): That'd be an unexpected twist.
fantasticpants (1:23:59 AM): Winged!Stephen-Tobolowsky/Mohinder=OTP 4 EVA.
runningondreams (1:24:10 AM): best OTP. ever.
fantasticpants (1:24:43 AM): I know. Leaves even Dom!Uhura/Sub!Pa in the dust.
fantasticpants (1:26:32 AM): I'm trying to mesh the Dom!OTP, and I'm getting Panana.
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