I iz currently torn between -
- Writing the angsty roof abuse Claude/Bennet (started it - will probably be long), the bondagey Pennet, and maybe something Nakamura/Bennet-ish cuz it's top sekrit ninja OTP!
- Drawing some more cartoonish Heroes characters because artz is pretty fun actually even if certain beardz look pested on.
- Vidding (Claude/Bennet,
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Yeah, what about that Randomathom and Brave New Slash stuff? Someone's really been slacking on their modly duties. And I think it's you! (But it's okay, we still love you.)
More cartoonish heroes would be cool (even if some of them have pasted on beards to disguise themselves from their morally-grey ex-boyfriend [actually, that's part of the coolness]).
And rookie!Bennet abuse sounds fun! You should find a place to host that. This Primatech community sounds like the bee's knees!
Randomathon I need a banner for (and I try to keep my banner-making to a minimum, as I'm not highly Photoshop-friendly) and I'm not sure if now is the best time to start it, that with the exchange and bondage challenge. I don't wanna choke the comm completely. But I hope to start it sometime soon. Brave New Ship - heh, that's 27 banners. I'm not making them (that'd be a very efficient way of turning people off entering any more challenges xP), just locating pictures - runningondreams is on them, but she isn't big on time right now so they probably won't all be ready until next week or so, and I don't really know how to explain it to people. I'm feeling vaguely anxious and guilty about the whole business.
Pested on beardz are even more efficient than the plastic nose+glasses ordeal, I hear. Worked on Lost.
Rookie!Bennet abuse is an art form. Seriously. Gonna get to comm making as soon as I can.
Hmm, rare_heroes is kind of busy right now. When the Randomathon does come up, if you need any help with the banner, I offer my services. I completely understand taking time for the banner making (I'm helping out for the heroes_slash awards, so I know how much work they take). Don't feel guilty.
Fake bearz = best disguise evar. I bet The Others are all just hiding from their exes; that's their big secret.
But with Rookie!Bennet abuse challenge comes the difficult question of who to write abusing Bennet. Decisions, decisions.
Claude really should've considered fake bearz. That would've deterred Bennet for sure. Though actually Bennet has a thing for teddy bears (not sure if Ted's included in that category, but I suspect so), so... tricky business, morally-grey-ex-evasion.
Hey, it'll be a very wide and liberal challenge. You don't have to decide! You can have everyone taking turns abusing him. :D
Ted is not included in Bennet's teddy bear love. Ted is Matt's teddy bear, and no one else's. No one. Ahem, sorry, that's my OTPness talking. Claude should write a book about morally grey-ex-evading. Chapter 1: Bearz!
Everyone all in one fic! Giant Primatech gang bang! Whoo!
I suspect Bennet has some sekrit Teddy love, but he'd probably be decent enough not to thieve him away from Matt, even if he really does need a replacement for the nuked teddy bear collection (the loss of teddy bears is probably the saddest thing about the Bennet-house-a-splode). And speaking of OTPs, I have a teddy-bear shopping scene planned for a Claude/Bennet fic (probably the angsty roof one, since it should be flashbacky). Because, y'know, it's pretty much canon.
I approve of this idea of yours. And I'm sure that deep-down, Bennet does, too.
As much as I whore Ted around (I've written him with at least seven different people), I just can't wrap my head around Ted/Bennet. I never even realized that the teddy bear collection went kaboom. I heartily approve Claude/Bennet teddy bear shopping (although it almost sounds too fluffy for that pairing, but hey, canon).
Man, olde tyme Primatech gang bang sounds great. Who would be abusing Bennet? There's Linderman (of course), Thompson, Claude, and... um, who else? Candice, the Haitian, and most of the current employess are way too young to be involved in inappropriate shenanigans. I guess four people is enough for a gang bang.
Hmm, well, I have a Primatech Inventory here. If I were Bennet, I'd personally fear Porno Stanley the most.
Hey, don't discount teh womenz just yet! There's always the possibility of sekrit b0ss Angela!
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