Jul 15, 2005 21:23
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory: 7 out of 7 stars.
While the movie was great, I had a shitty time at the theater. I sat next to this insane lunatic little girl. During the entire movie she would yell out, to no one in particular, "Look at that!" Really? I should look at that, little girl? Well, I did pay 8 dollars to watch this movie, so maybe I just will look at the screen! What novel idea, little girl! It just might be crazy enough to work!
Hey, maybe you should also say Johnny Depp's lines that you saw in the preview. You do his voice sooooo much better than he does! Oh what's that? You want to dance in your seat during the Ooopma Loopma songs and bump into me? Well, I don't see why not...it's not as if it'll be annoying or anything! Nope! It's exactly what you should do!
Also, when you see the big candy bar, smack your lips for five seconds so that I will know the big candy bar on the screen interets you. Otherwise, I would have never known! This would have pissed me off because I really care about you, little girl. Oh and by the way, please die.
...I wish I was Johnny Depp.