Had a post ready last night, but my browser et it. It was very tragic.
To sum up:
Paid Account! *loves the
danachan more than is probably healthy*
Master and Commander- finished it, liked it
Still sick
My last appointment with my surgeon today, no more trips back! w00t!
My friend Breanne is now having surgery. Have presents for her. V. cute.
Saw ROTK again, noticed some fun stuff this time.
Galadriel's tiara is silver and gold mingled, just like her hair's supposed to be.
Pippin still wears a scarf(April noticed this); It's a green one, you see it best at Sam and Rosie's wedding. <3 Pippin.
When Arwen shows up at the coronation, she just stands there nevrously until Elrond urges her forward. Squeeomglove I love you Hugo Weaving.
The swan banner of Dol Amroth is indeed in the crowd at the coronation. (MAJOR squee here. Pretty Imrahil.)
So yay!
Also: ICONS!!!!!