Jun 27, 2007 01:01
1. It gets better.
2. It gets a hell of a lot worse, too. But really. It'll get better.
3. You're not a hypochondriac. It's Polycystic Ovarian Disease, IBS and Seasonal Affective Disorder. Get used to medicine, because you'll be taking it for the rest of your life. Trust me, though. The quality of life is worth it.
4. The theater is one of the most amazing experiences of your life. Cherish it.
5. You want to write. For the rest of your life. You're good enough for it, too. Do it as often as possible.
6. Think twice before moving in with friends. Make sure you're all ready for it.
7. That funny feeling you have is queerness. Creeps up on you, huh? It's weird now, but trust me, you'll like it.
8. Sing more. Don't be afraid to use your voice.