The "ask my characters" thingy. It was fun. For
hyel, as these are her questions- they're in bold.
One thing that you might want to note is the fact that none of the responses are first person. That's cause most of my characters talk to me in images and well, video clips of sorts. That probably makes no sense, but that's the way it is. Enjoy!
1.Elrond, do you find the position of a leader a joy or a burden, or have long years made it a habit? What is the greatest conflict you find, in your position?
2.Elanor, why did you choose to live by the sea?
3.Aragorn, do you miss your childhood? What is your brightest memory, there - or mention one? Did you ever find that feeling again?
1. Elrond tells me that leadership is not something he consciously thinks about. He fears that if his attitude becomes, "I must make this decision because I am in charge,” he won't be able to distance himself from the problem and find a solution. But he also says that it is often a difficult task. He is extraordinary grateful to Erestor and Glorfindel- he makes no big decisions without seeking their counsel, but his wife was his pillar of support. She would always listen very calmly to what he was saying and then say "What does your heart tell you to do?" She was a firm believer in intuition. He misses her immensely.
The biggest conflict, in his mind, is when there is a disagreement between the people he is responsible for. He doesn't like to take sides and it distresses him when his position requires him to. It is much easier for him to sort out things like supplies, organizing protection for his people, and counseling them when they need it. He views them, with the exception of some of his chief advisors, as his children. This tends to make him a little patronizing, though he does it in the best of interests.
Um. He doesn't want to talk about himself anymore. He's using the eyebrow of doom on me. It's terrifying.
2. Elanor is really a romantic at heart. As a child, she fell in love with elves, much as her father did. Serving the Queen was the greatest experience of her life. To her, the sea is a reminder of the elves, since it was always so important in their stories. To her, all elves smell a little like the sea. A little silly, but that’s what she thinks. She once had a deep discussion with Lord Faramir about this, and he told her that he thinks it was sorrow she could smell- thousands of years of shed tears. She told him, rather saucily, that he was morbid and she preferred her version. She was a favorite of the Lady Eowyn from that day forward.
Secondarily, though she loves her family, her time in Gondor gave her a sense of independence and broadened her worldview. She didn’t go out looking for adventure, like Bilbo and Frodo, but she wanted to live somewhere that changed frequently. Her favorite thing about the sea is that it can be different from one day to the next. She could look out her windows and see something new each day.
3. Despite the fact that he was technically fatherless, Aragorn doesn’t wish for a different childhood. He does miss it, but not desprately. It’s more like a “I remember when…wasn’t that wonderful” sense. He recalls most fondly the time he spent with his foster brothers. They were his idols, really. As a small boy, he would follow them and try to imitate them. They thought it was terribly cute, and never let on that they knew he was following. At least until he was a bit older, then they brought it up at every possible opportunity. He remembers when they would sit down with him and patiently help him work on arrow fletchings, taught him how to catch fish, let him get away with stealing food from the kitchens. Whenever he helps his son, with anything, he remembers his brothers. Watching them play with his son as they did him is what really works up his emotions. Not that he ever shows it, other than to brag outrageously to Elladan and Elrohir that his son was wonderful and perfect in all ways. It’s terribly endearing, the way he gets all mushy, but doesn’t want to show it.
Well, that last one was terribly maudlin, wasn't it? :D
Anyone else? Ask away if you'd like. :)