Jun 01, 2006 21:21
Okay, I am beginning to feel like I have settled into my life, now. It's been a fricking whirlwind since the moment I got back in the state.
We're getting ready for the boy's graduation. Tomorrow there shall be 200 people coming in and out of my house. Heh. Ought to be interesting. Also, I word from 3 to 10, which I hope continues to be my regular shift, because it is awesome.
Incidentally, I will ask permission to take pictures out at work, so you all can see how awesome the house is.
Okay, I am too worn out to be original or clever or entertaining, so. If you want to hear more, pounce me on AIM. Runfordarkness, if you don't already have it. Piiiing me.
let me sum up