Feb 25, 2006 12:56
Room to myself, yay!
*dances around a bit*
I think I will talk about fannish things, because I actually have stuff to talk about.
1. Everyone on SGA except Ronon should BE EATEN BY WRAITH. Why yes, I did just watch "Micheal" and holy cow, everyone is SO STUPID. Sigh. Too bad I love them all so much. I must say that SGA is definitely one of those shows where the fic is far superior to the actual episodes.
2. Of all things, Brokeback Mountain is coming to this tiny town in North Dakota. Holy shit. We're going to see it today. I hope there are protesters.
3. Has anyone read Dangerous Angels by Francesca Lia Block? Or any of the Weetzie Bat books? No one seems to have heard of them... and I, of course, am writing fic.
4. On that note, which WIP should I finish? We've got Zombie!fic, some Frodo/Pippin from forever ago, some weird-ass Firefly stuff, National Treasure fic or something for The Dark is Rising. Or possibly I should work on my paper. Which I've titled Lewis/Tolkien OTP so as to make myself think I'm writing fic.
fannish squee,