Here's a couple more pics.
Well. That was fun.
Last night was "scramble around the office because the bottom dropped out" night. Had some minor technical difficulties that included one writer completely flaking out and not turning in ANY article and some communication problems that have left me with now picture for the front page. Nice.
But I think it's figured out, for the most part. Have to finish up today.
The other night I dreamt of Ithilien. I was me and the time was now... sort of a modern Ithilien. If there could be such a thing. And Faramir was there. Or rather, a descendant of Faramir, named for him. We got along well and everything was very summer green and blue and goldwater.
>.< My dreams are so odd. I suppose most people's are, then.
Oh! And I should do that meme thing. Where you comment and ask about my interests. Because I like talking about myself, or something. And plus,
danachan did it first. She made me.
WE HAVE A WINNER! Flaunt magazine and there's another of her in uniform OMG.