Eee! I can't give any details yet, but out of the blue yesterday, an opportunity arose for me to become the head Author/Editor of a new site.
There were a lot of applicants, so we all had to go through a writing-based interview process. I was up until 1 AM this morning working on the assignments they gave and sent it off this afternoon after read-throughs & pointers from Sissy &
After I sent it off, I found out that they had already made their choice; the Main Author had already been set up with all the accounts and info. It was as if they had just taken the first response and handed over the keys! I was so disappointed and angry: how could they put writers through something like that? Don't they understand what we go through? It's one thing to be rejected - that is the fate of every writer - but it's something else entirely to hang a carrot, expect the work, and then take it back without ever giving you a chance to grab it.
The great news is that after roughly half an hour of stewing and wondering how I was going to diplomatically reply, I received an e-mail with this:
Dear Jackie,
We were very impressed by your credentials, passion, and pieces of work! You finished within out top 2 applicants. We have decided to give the Author position to a very creative writer who shares our passion.
However, you seem to share the same passion and produce on-par level work with his. We are also very excited to work with a girl in the gaming industry, it doesn't occur enough.
We would like to offer you the position of Main Editor.
Specifically, you would be able to create your own content as well as edit other's. This position is being offered to you due to your extensive grasp of the English language creatively and grammatically.
I've got a position editing and writing video games material! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Is it monetary in nature? No. - Well, not yet at least. But it is the goal. Even if it never turns into that, though: EEE!! FOOT IN THE DOOR! OBJECTIVE ACHIEVED!!
I can't... I can't express myself right now. There are no guarantees of any success -it's a new site after all- but the possibilities are endless!!
This would be beyond fantastic on its own, but after everything I've been going through lately, it's just so much sweeter!