Jun 02, 2011 23:59
So the verdict is in: I probably need surgery.
I went this morning after everything got cancelled Wednesday. (Doc had an emergency.) They took x-rays of my hands to make sure I have no arthritis. Then the doctor did a physical exam of my hands.
After I explained my long history of trial and treatments, he said I'd tried everything else. Which I knew.
So he ordered a nerve exam, sending my information to a neurologist. Which I also knew would happen and deeply dread: they stick needles into your arms and send jolts of electricity through your nerves to map what happens. I am not looking forward to this.
This is a way to test positive that it is indeed the nerve in my carpal tunnels that are causing the issues. If it comes back positive, then the surgery will be a roughly 10 minute procedure: he'll open my wrists and cut the tissue around my nerves so they don't apply that pressure when they swell from simple usage.
All I have to say is that if it comes to that and my company refuses to give me time off, I'm soooo quitting. >.>