The Philosophy of Falling

Jul 07, 2004 19:58

When one stands at the foot of their bed and falls onto their pillow they become an example of order, law, and symbiosis. A universal order they can not feel or see in the grandest scale but can understand. You lift your feet into the air and for just one brief moment you are off the earth. An autonomous source of gravity in extreme low orbit, succuming to the greater mass of our world.
When you fall there is nothing to hold onto, your now powerless while nature runs its course. A mysterious mastery of mathematics transpires and you become an cog at a cosmic level, Your mass and trajectory become your only guides:

Fg = G m1 m2


Fg = Gravitational Force
m1 & m2 = Mass of 2 objects
r = Separation between the objects
G = Universal Gravitational Constant

This formula is used to calculate a fall or trajectory of an object due to gravity. Science still does not fully understand the properties of gravity but we understand it is a constant factor. We as a people only understand it as a notion we use to explain events. We see this constant as observed between objects and name it "The Law or Force of Gravity." We understand the mathimatical nature but not the universal origins of it. One thing we do know is that all mass in the universe has a gravitational pull it exerts on everything else.
So as you fall the movement becomes unfathomably complex as all the objects in the universe, Everything with mass, Exerts its own force of attraction on you. To fall under the influence of all things that ever have been and ever will be.
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