Keeeee, im happy today ^__^, first of all, i made a new layout.. it's very... pink... 0_0 And the text is kinda light, if you cant read it, let me know ^_~ I actually, for once, like this layout, haha XD :D =] i think its prettyyyyy ~
I <3 you... hehehehehehehe, thank you SO MUCHHHHHHH! you are the best *mwa* ^_^ thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for helping me and hosting me..... eeeei, my to-be website: [
here] Thank you, thank you, thank you etc. etc. XD
all by
emeraldcrown, thanks very muchies ^_^
and.... (last thing, lol)
for debbie ~~ because i saw that she didnt have an icon for her new journal yet ^.^ it is a ccs icon... pretty, no? ;) and yes... thats it ^__^
wow.... im "high" two days in a roll XDD