Ficlet: Dream Life

Mar 08, 2009 17:53

Title: Dream Life
Rating: G
A/N: for fantas_magoria episode ‘Surprise’, prompt #1: Buffy dreamt that ‘Giles and I opened an office supply warehouse in Vegas’

Giles cares way too much about paperclips. Buffy has learnt this after many months of ceaseless observation. He can take or leave the cardboard, the staplers, even her particular favourite, the stacks of colored paper destined to be wacky notices, or color-coded schedules for the hyper-busy (“Anyone still on violet? Throw it out NOW!”). But somehow Giles has imbibed a great lesson in the office supply business: there is an infinite market for paperclips, and he who understands this will rule the stationery world.

It took Buffy a week of research, market projections and finance flowcharts to convince him to stock print cartridges. Too modern. He did accept that, Vegas being Vegas, some shiny stickers, banners, glitter and even streamers were your basic office supplies; in fact, a significant part of the profits comes from this product line. But still he shudders when he passes the craft section.

Buffy can’t even pretend to be surprised that Anya left. Nor that Jenkinstore is now #1 on Google for office supplies, and there’s talk of a public stock offering. Anya’s taking over the world and leaving them far behind.

Buffy’s sure there’s more to life. She stacks and piles, folds and sorts, until she’s about ready to explode in a flurry of shredded envelopes. Going-to-ssssscreeeeaaammm

Luckily, that’s usually when she wakes up.

213 surprise, fiction

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