Bad Eggs

Feb 23, 2009 20:47

Eggstra, Eggstra

Some Scrambled Thoughts )

meta, 212 bad eggs

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Comments 7

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annegables February 25 2009, 06:01:45 UTC
Oh yeah - that was cute with him at her window. Though afterward I wondered how weird that would have been for Angel. So innocent when he had slaughtered so many. Strange juxposition.


eowyn_315 February 24 2009, 03:11:28 UTC
But I have always given everyone a pass on this one since they must have been saving everything up for the next two episodes!

What is up with that? The same thing happened at the end of the season when we got the awful "Go Fish" right before the amazing two-parter finale.

How did the Gorch's know Angelus??

I doubt they knew him personally. They weren't turned until after 1886, and it seems unlikely that Angelus took a trip to America between then and when he got his soul. (And the Gorches don't exactly strike me as world travelers.) They probably just know him by reputation - or they met Angel and didn't know he had a soul.


annegables February 25 2009, 06:03:44 UTC
Good point about "Go Fish". Hadn't thought about that. Wouldn't it be fun to write something that fleshed out the Gorch's background? What made them wipe out a village before being made vampires? And how did they stay so in touch. I mean, in Homecoming, the one brother seems into the high tech stuff.


ares132006 February 24 2009, 04:06:28 UTC
Did anyone else notice that Angel says he can't have children and then goes on to be the only vampire daddy ever?
That was very clever on Joss' part, wasn't it, but at the time I thought that Buffy would've known that vampires can't have children. I mean, they're dead, and she's the slayer. What has Giles been teaching the girl?

Eowyn315 said, What is up with that? The same thing happened at the end of the season when we got the awful "Go Fish" right before the amazing two-parter finale.

And it happened again in AtS 5 with The Girl In Question. What is up with that?

And the Gorches knowing Angelus on sight did not ring true to me. I think they dropped the ball with that one.

Love your metas.


annegables February 25 2009, 06:05:35 UTC
Thank you! Again - another good point about the Girl in Question episode. It was just so out of character right at the end. It should have been the fourth episode of the season or something. That's an interesting though about Giles likely would have told Buffy that simple or actually her former Watcher, Merrick.


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annegables February 25 2009, 06:07:53 UTC
Yup - that pretty much covers the high points - oh, except there is a whole lot of excellent Buffy/Angel make outs going on. Like the Gorch brother said "how come Angelus is making me blush?". Actually, now that I think on that - why would he say that? What were B/A doing that would make a a century plus old vampire blush?


theantijoss February 27 2009, 01:17:27 UTC
And the RIP gravestone that the camera swings to from Angel and Buffy's gorgeous love lines to each other about only seeing each other in the future. The stone reads "In Loving Memory".

YES! I remember the first time I watched both Bad Eggs and Surprise in the same marathon, and seeing that epitaph for B/A just made me SOB.

Well... a lot about B/A just makes me sob, so... *G*


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