The Harvest

Jul 13, 2008 00:47

Well, that was a promising first week! Are you all enjoying yourselves?

The Harvest

Our second episode is The Harvest. Is it me, or does everyone look really young in it…?

Below is a reminder of the posting information for those who require it. But first, an attempt to clarify a couple of questions that have cropped up a few times this week:

When posting, please tag your entry with the full name of the episode. You do not need to use this as your title.
You may post on your LJ or website and link to it from here. (in a new post)
Your contribution does not have to be new. Reposts of old stories, drabbles, graphics, etc, are still very much appreciated.


We want help from you to fill up this new community with loads of interesting content. We want stories, drabbles, essays, graphics, wallpapers, trivia - anything you like, as long as it is something to do with this episode. You can give us your contribution any time from now right up to midnight on Thursday. (Your time) On Friday we'll issue this week's flash challenge, which you have until Saturday night to post, and on Sunday - yes, the next episode goes up. When posting, the info below will be of help to you.

Please start a new post for your contribution.
Don't forget to tag it with the full name of the episode
Feel free to post your story in your own LJ and link to it here (in a new post).
Please be sure to include all the necessary header info including an e-mail address for FB (if you don't have an LJ) and to use a cut tag for longer items.
Please tell us if your item is fic, an essay, a drabble, graphics...etc...
Pairing information is useful, but optional.

If you need inspiration, we post story prompts for the episodes in advance, and if you've missed them, the first batch of four episodes can be found here:

The second batch of four story prompts (5-8) is up now, too:

If you do not have an LJ account, please feel free to post here but make sure you include all the necessary header info, including an e-mail address for fb. You can also send your submission to Chrislee at octaves AT Be sure to put 'Phantasmagoria' in the subject line...and don't forget all the header info.

This information, and more, can be found on our user info page.

If all that is as clear as ditchwater, feel free to ask us questions. If you're all fired up and want to spread the word - please do. Why not grab a neat avatar while you're at it? You can find them here:

I think that's about it. Are you game?

prompts, 102 the harvest

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