Flash challenge 1: Ficlet

Jul 11, 2008 18:11

What happens at your first Watcher/Slayer training session? Clue: Giles has a book.

Ficlet: Naming )

fiction, 101 welcome to the hellmouth

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Comments 26

chrisleeoctaves July 12 2008, 02:06:16 UTC
I loved this! Perfect voices and this bit “No. Because it’s excruciating when someone calls them vampyres.“ just made me grin like a loon thinking of Andrew!


brutti_ma_buoni July 12 2008, 20:43:07 UTC
I wish the Council had survived to see Storyteller - universal cringe-face, I think. And thank you!


the_nites_gurl July 12 2008, 02:07:30 UTC


a2zmom July 12 2008, 02:26:49 UTC
Love Giles' voice here. You've captured that very British, slightly mocking tone he had.


brutti_ma_buoni July 12 2008, 20:44:48 UTC
Thank you (though I must confess the British is my own - if I ever do an authentic Faith, I'll really be celebrating!)


brutti_ma_buoni July 12 2008, 20:43:28 UTC
Thank you!


ares132006 July 12 2008, 06:08:15 UTC
This is so Buffy and so Giles. They are perfect.

“Giles, this isn’t a sacred scroll. Half this book is pasted in. It’s like an antique personal organiser. Well, antiquey-er. Who uses organisers now?”

Poor Giles. Imagine teaching Buffy anything?



brutti_ma_buoni July 12 2008, 20:46:08 UTC
Yep, lesson planning must have been hell! Thanks for commenting.


thismaz July 12 2008, 08:31:45 UTC
Lovely Giles voice.
And the reference to the memos from the Council, like the one about Mrs Post. And the reference to the future pretentions of Andrew. *laughs* Altogether a fun insider joke.
Thank you.


brutti_ma_buoni July 12 2008, 20:47:55 UTC
Thank you! I like to picture Watchers all over the world solemnly adding papers to ring binders and telling themselves it's the Watcher Destiny.


librarian2003 July 12 2008, 17:34:54 UTC
Oh, this is fabulous! A lot of insider jokes, and the voices are just perfect.

Wonderfully conceived - as someone else said, definitely a missing piece from the episode.

Loved it!


brutti_ma_buoni July 12 2008, 20:53:13 UTC
Thank you so much for the great feedback!


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