BA: Written forever ago... Buffy and Angel bantering about the first time they met.
“I’ve loved you since the first time I ever met you.”
(with a disbelieving smirk) “Please, you kicked me in the head.”
(grinning back) “Hey, you were following me.”
“Well excuse me for trying to warn you that you were living on the mouth of hell and it was about to open.”
“Well you didn’t have to be all cryptic and condescending about it.”
“You said I was tiny.”
“No, I said I thought you’d be taller, bigger…”
“…Muscles and all that. Same thing. Besides, that was a big fib. You saw me way before then.”
“Plus you called me ma’am. What was that about?”
“And this led to you falling for me how?”
“Well, you were helpful and informative… not to mention completely gorgeous.”
“In an annoying sort of way.”
“Precisely. Hey, wait! Jeeze, you really were lurkerific weren’t you.”
“No. Well, yeah...I was just trying to help out without getting staked, happened to overhear. I had a feeling the vampire thing might be off-putting.”
“Well, you aren’t your average vampire and therefore so very far from off-putting. Plus you did give me a present and I am a sucker for a good gift.”
“Well I must say I was pretty excited over winning a lovely watch and a year’s supply of turtle wax… which I never received by the way.”
“Well considering I didn’t know your name or who you were, it was a little difficult finding a shipping address.”
(beat) “I had a feeling the 'ma’am' thing didn’t go over too well.”
(with a big playful smile) "Wanna make it up to me?"
(big smile back) "Definitely.”
Big smoochies ensue. All is wonderfully blissful and happy.