Drabble: To Love Her (Prophecy Girl, Xander)

Oct 06, 2008 21:47

ARRGGHHH!! I am SO behind that it's ridiculous. I have all of these collages planned. Hopefully, by the next break I can catch up. In the meantime, since I not so accidently seem to have killed off my bitch muse in Twilight fic, I'm posting old stuff as it matches up with the episodes. So, very little in the way of S1 stuff. But there's a drabble.

Title: To Love Her
Author: seraphcelene
Rating: G
A/N: 100 words set during Prophecy Girl written for the open_on_sunday Feelings Challenge.
Summary: Xander, the conquering hero

(Follow the fake cut.)

112 prophecy girl, fiction

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