This is an interesting episode because we get to see those secret fears that everyone has. Lots of scope for us to play with… here is a reminder of the prompts we gave you. As always, feel free to ignore or adapt as suits you.
Prompt 1 - Buffy says her father comes down for weekends sometimes. Tell us the story of one of those meetings.
Prompt 2 - Why was Xander chased by a clown at his 6th birthday party?
Prompt 3 - Willow's stage fright scene is from Madam Butterfly. Curiously, the words sung to her, in translation, are: "Child, from whose eyes the witchery is shining, now you are all my own."
Oh, and does anyone know who got the spiders off of Wendell… ?
Don't forget to tag your entry and…
Have fun!