The Puppet Show

Sep 14, 2008 00:48

Hi everyone - ready for the next batch of four episodes?

The Puppet Show.

Here is a reminder of the prompts for this episode:

Prompt 1 - Snyder says that Buffy, Willow and Xander left school early the day before, and Buffy says they were fighting a demon. Presumably this wasn't Moloch. What happened?
Prompt 2 - How did Morgan and Sid become a double act? Where did they meet?
Prompt 3 - Sid says he knew a Korean Slayer back in the thirties. Rather well, as it transpires… so - what was her story?

Don't forget to tag your entry with the name of the episode. Have fun - and I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with this time!

prompts, 109 the puppet show

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