A New Man (Or Should That Be Demon?)

Feb 10, 2017 17:52

Hello again. I was meant to make a post about A New Man months ago, but first I had problems with my wireless router, then, to be frank, Christmas was coming up, then New Year, and I just forgot. I even forgot that I had all the screencaps already downloaded. Plus, I forgot what happened in the episode. But I've re-watched it now, so here's my ( Read more... )

412 a new man, rewatch

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Comments 22

rebcake February 13 2017, 08:31:26 UTC
This is the sort of episode that makes S4 one of my favorite seasons. SO MANY THINGS that will never not be funny. Spike with a measuring tape, for one. The waitress rolling her eyes at Ethan trying to impersonate Roger Moore is two.

I have used this episode to beguile men of a certain age - who are sure that something called "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" will never speak to them. Ha! I say. Ha! Ha! Then they are hooked, and I have prevailed again.

I must read the shooting script, if there is more Spike & Giles in it. Because those two are just comedy gold.

Very interesting point about the Giles & Maggie scene. Because it is so easy to hate Maggie and we all lurve Giles to pieces, it never occurred to me to look at things from her perspective. But of course you are right.

Excellent suggestion about indri's story. NanDibble's story with a very dangerous Ethan who is mad with grief at the way Giles left him to rot with the Initiative is another good one: Blood Rites. The whole series is now up at AO3: The Blood Series.


shapinglight February 14 2017, 18:09:02 UTC
Ooh, I must catch up with the Nan Dibble story. I thought I had read all her stories but I don't recognise that one.

I'm glad you see my point about the Maggie scene. Generally, she's a very hateable character, but this scene struck me very forcibly as one that could be seen from a different perspective when I watched again last year after the first time in ages. I love Giles, but I do think he behaves with this old-fashioned male arrogance in this scene.

Actually, he seems to have problems with women who are his intellectual equals in general, if his behaviour here and with Gwedolyn Post are anything to go by. Mind you, both them are evil, so maybe it's more Joss's problem than Giles's.


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