Two observations on "I Robot, You Jane"

Sep 01, 2008 19:56

While there are, admittedly, many more important things to take note of in this episode, did anyone notice that Willow has a picture of Giles and her hanging on the inside of her locker? Does that seem... weird to you? I'm not clear on the timeline, but I got the impression that Giles shows up in Sunnydale slightly ahead of Buffy in anticipation of her arrival. It would seem, then, that Willow hasn't known Giles for very much longer than Buffy has. Interesting subtext, if anyone were to read into it.

I also thought what wonderful foreshadowing it was on Joss's part to include the banter between Willow,Buffy and Xander in the closing scene of the episode:

Buffy: Let's face it. None of us are ever going to have a happy, normal relationship.

Xander: We're doomed!

Willow: Yeah!

And then all of them fall quiet. Joss warned us what we were in store for!

If we were to vote on who had the most normal and functional Scoobie relationship, who would you choose from the following?

Buffy ~ Angel, Riley, Spike
Willow ~ Oz, Tara, Kennedy
Xander ~ Cordelia, Anya

My vote goes to either Willow/Oz or Xander/Cordy. How horrifying is that?

108 i jane, meta

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