Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

May 15, 2015 13:45

This episode is a perfect illustration of one of BtVS's recurring themes - be careful what you wish for.

Okay, Xander, was there absolutely nothing... this scenario that rang any alarm bells?

Well, probably, but if they did, they didn't ring loud enough.

Let this be a lesson to you, young man, that doing things out of spite

(he wants Cordy to fall desperately in love with him so he can dump her, the way she dumped him

on Valentine's Day

of all days!) never turns out well.

Case in point, Cordy remains immune to the spell, whereas every other woman in Sunnydale suddenly wants Xander as her snugglebunny.



this girl, whoever she is.

Also, these,

Jenny Calendar - ironically while in the process of trying to make things up with poor old Giles.

No wonder he looks a bit miffed.

Then there's Willow,



Even the school cook.

Some of them take things a little far.


(this is probably the closest the Buffy/Xander 'shippers ever came to getting what they wanted, but of course it wasn't what they wanted)




They'd all rather kill Xander than let anyone else have him (whi-ich is probably Dru's usual modus operandi, but it's all new for the others).

And it's not just Xander who should be careful what he wishes for, it seems.

Cordy wanted back in with the popular girls,

who were shunning her because she was dating Xander.

But all it got her was this.

A lot of glaring and then a murder attempt.

You could be forgiven for thinking that Cordy's being punished here for hurting Xander's feelings (that bitch!). But maybe it's not just that. Maybe it's just as much that she's being punished for not being true to herself.

Queen C dates whoever she wants and doesn't care what anyone else thinks.

Or possibly, if you want to impress your ex-girlfriend so much she'll come back to you,

you should try casting a love spell on her.

Have to admit, I'm unclear what exactly is being said here. If anything.

Elsewhere in the episode, various other Valentine's Day-related shenanigans are going on.

Spike gives Dru a present. Rather tasteful really.

Then Evil Angel gives her a better present. More tasty than tasteful.

It's pretty clear which Dru prefers.

No wonder Evil Angel looks so smug.

He even manages to co-opt the necklace and give it to Dru as if he'd got it for her.

Spike, needless to say, is less than pleased, and - also needless to say - makes a terrible job of hiding it.

Sidenote: Evil Angel really is a bit stupid, isn't he? I mean, I get that he's evil so tormenting Spike by taking Dru away is loads of fun for him. But he's really not great at seeing the bigger picture. Along the lines of, when you've finally had enough of teasing the Slayer by killing a few puppies and the odd classmate, and decide to end the world, you want every member of your family absolutely onside. So it might be a good idea not to do anything to make them feel like stabbing you in the back.

Well, makes sense to me anyway. Wouldn't have been nearly as fun to watch, though.

(As far as 'be careful what you wish for goes', btw, I don't think it applies to Spike. I don't think he was ever desperate to get Evil Angel back, even if he seemed pleased at first).

So, a really fun episode, though the Bewitched Buffy coming on to Xander scene is hard to take. Also, I hate what Buffy's done to her hair. It's so flat!


She also has a serious case of wardrobe malfunction half way through the episode.

There's another great example of the Sunnydale Effect.

Everyone (except Willow and Jenny, presumably) really seem to believe they were taking part in a scavenger hunt.

The episode also lays down more groundwork about Evil Angel's sense of the whimsical, both in his scene with Spike and Dru, and in this (very ominous, and a harbinger of much worse to come) Valetine's gift to Buffy.

Best lines:

Drusilla: Your face is a poem. I can read it.

Xander: Really? It doesn't say 'spare me' by any chance?

Drusilla: Shhh. (kisses him) How do you feel about eternal life?

Xander: We couldn't just start with a coffee? A movie, maybe?

I'm away until next Thursday. Have a great discussion.

216 bewitched bothered and bewildered, rewatch

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