The Bad Episode About Eggs

May 04, 2015 19:48

Sorry this post is so late. I was going to put it up on Friday but completely forgot, then a lot of RL stuff happened and I forgot again until my co-mod gillo (way more on the ball than me) reminded me.

I hope the vast hordes of you who think Bad Eggs is the best BtVS episode ever haven't been too put out by the wait?

Have to say, though, I can't agree with you. While I no longer think this is the worst episode of the show ever (I've unilaterally awarded that dubious accolade to Some Assembly Required because it's not only bad, it's boring, whereas this one is just bad) I can't say it's a favourite.

Lots of reasons for that, including these.

Cowboy vampires. Lame! Even worse, lame cowboy vampires. Lame!

Hmm, looks like Buffy agrees.

Also, eggs make me sick to my stomach.

So a whole episode focused on eggs is never going to appeal to me.

Got plenty of support for that too.


Xander (plus the thirty year old student sitting behind him).


Only Willow's all chirpy (though the guy sitting behind her looks positively homicidal).

Actually, they're really in a teen health class talking about the dangers of sexual activity (a recurring theme in BtVS, though seldom discussed as such) - which, according to Cordy and Xander are bad kissing techniques and halitosis respectively...

...which is all, you know, code for their inability to understand why they keep going back to their closet making-out sessions when they still claim they can't stand each other? (Boy, this script's subtle, isn't it?)

Then another thing I don't like about the episode is that the villains (you really can't count the lame cowboy vampires) are bits of slimy-looking rubber (which is possibly a reference to the dangers of faulty condoms, I'm not entirely sure),

like so,

and so,

and so.

Not even Buffy climbing out of a slime pit looking badass (so badass that she scares off Lyle Gorch) can make the villain scary.


Finally, in the list of things that make this not a good episode, Joyce spends the entirety of it mad at Buffy for no particular reason.


(More evidence)

(Yet more evidence).

(Still more evidence). My personal theory is that she's annoyed at having to pretend she believes that nonsense about there being a gas leak.

Never mind. Giles still manages to look nice.


(More evidence).

So, all in all, a rather lame monster of the week episode, in which we don't really see the monster of the week because it's buried under the floor, whi-ich I suppose if you squinted really hard you could see as a metaphor for all that bad stuff buried under the floor of the Buffy/Angel relationship, which the poor things don't yet know about.

Good thing they do lots of kissing in this episode.

Like so,

and so,

and so. All of which scenes firmly establish that Buffy and Angel are now boyfriend and girlfriend (still in a cute, adolescent sort of way).

Oh, and Angel tells Buffy he can't have children because he's a vampire.

Boy, is he in for a shock.

A-and that's pretty much all I got. Thoughts, anyone?

212 bad eggs, rewatch

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