Sorry this is a bit late. I've been away. But I'm back now with lots of fun facts about the episode that brings us to almost the mid point of season 2. As
gillo said, we'll take a break next week, then come storming back the week after with everyone's favourite season 2 MotW episodes, Ted and Bad Eggs.
Why yes, that was sarcasm. What can I say? I'm British. It's a thing.
Anyway, WML pt 1 ended on a cliffhanger (that lasted for three weeks if you were watching the show on the BBC back in the day, as they took it off air, so I recall, for the yearly yawnfest that is World Championship Snooker), and WML pt 2 begins where 1 left off
Like so.
So Buffy's bad day starts with her almost being killed by a girl with a very weird accent.
Angel's, meanwhile, starts with him in urgent need of some Factor Gazillion Sunscreen.
Buffy's situation soon changes (though not necessarily for the better) when she and Kendra come to the conclusion that, unlikely as it may be, they're both Slayers.
Given her description of her upbringing - all slay, no fun -Kendra is much the better dressed and groomed of the two at this point, I think.
Whi-ich probably doesn't explain Buffy's extreme bitchiness towards her, (though I daresay it doesn't help). Turns out, despite most of the time not wanting to be the Slayer at all, Buffy doesn't much like the idea of sharing her role.
Not to mention, Buffy and Kendra did rather get off on the wrong foot.
Never mind, though. It gives Giles (one of the only two people in the episode who doesn't have a bad day) the chance to look adorably flumoxed.
The Buffy/Kendra face-off isn't improved by Kendra's admission that she tried to kill Angel (and can I just say here that, for a Slayer who is all by-the-book, Kendra's way of disposing of him was very sloppy indeed? Mr Zebuto would not be pleased.)
Later, Giles and Kendra bond over books, which doesn't improve Buffy's day at all. That's her Watcher.
Things do perk up a bit for her when she and Kendra do some bonding of their own over beating up Willie the Snitch.
Not a great day for him either. Or at least, it started off okay,
with him snatching Angel (who at this moment seems to be having the worst day of everyone) from the jaws of death at the last possible moment. Angel's day does not improve (sensing a theme here) when he gets to be all pathetic and weak the way no other vampire in the history of either BtVS or AtS is ever shown to be around sunlight ever again.
A-all for the purposes of the plot. Never mind, Angel. Getting damselled is an occupational hazard of being Buffy's boyfriend.
Not that I'm complaining, you understand. He does look very pretty.
As does Spike (the day's going okay for him too at this point) in a fun little scene where he once again shows that, as he did with Billy Fordham in Lie To Me, he keeps his word when he gives it, plus he gets to deliver one of the greatest slashy lines of the entire series.
What're you gonna do with him, anyway?
I'm thinking - maybe dinner and a
movie. I don't want to rush into
anything. I've been hurt, you know.
Spike's day does begin to go downhill (though he doesn't know it yet) when he delivers Angel to Dru.
It doesn't get any better for Angel either.
Dru, on the other hand, has (and continues to have) a lovely time.
Revenge (and boy, Juliet is brilliant in this scene. The wounded way she talks about her family and what Angel did to them is chilling - and pooh! to anyone who thinks it's all put on because Dru is a vampire now and they aren't really her family),
her two boys already fighting over her...
...then she gets to snuggle with Angel and be cured all at the same time.
Plus, Spike is badly injured so she ends up in charge.
Win-win for Dru all round.
Buffy doesn't do too badly in the end either.
She gets Angel back.
She finally reaches an accommodation with Kendra...
...and she realises that not having to be the one girl in all the world isn't such a bad thing after all.
Other stuff.
Well, Xander and Cordy have their own Very Bad Day,
involving a lot of worms,
and a lot of kissing in closets.
It's unclear which they find more disgusting.
(More evidence).
Oz, meanwhile, gets shot.
That does sound like the worst day possible, but it's actually not.
So what has changed by the end of the episode - apart from the Chosen One now being the Chosen Two and the dynamic between Spike and Drusilla being reversed, and Xander/Cordy and Oz/Willow being a Thing, and Buffy and Angel being firmly established as boyfriend and girlfriend,
I mean?
Actually, that probably covers it.
Best line: See above re: Willie the Snitch and Spike.
Oz's reaction to being shot is pretty good too.
I'm shot. Wow. It's very . . . odd.
And painful.
A small aside: I honestly don't get how anyone back when this episode first aired kept on believing afterwards that Angel was Spike's sire. It's so obvious that's not the case. Yet (when there were still enough people in the fandom on LJ to care about that stuff), so many kept insisting that FFL was a retcon. Nonsense.
Another small aside: I know there's a school of thought that Spike abused Dru by infantilising her. Well, I think that's nonsense too. If he'd wanted her weak and helpless, why did he go to such great lengths to cure her?
Thoughts, anyone?