The Great Buffyverse Rewatch of 2015: Week Four

Mar 03, 2015 00:40

And here we move forward into the final trio of episodes in Season One. Next week will be a "catch-up" week, BTW, so if you feel you are dropping behind, worry not.

This was the only season to be completed before broadcast, which is why we see some elements from this week's episodes in Buffy's nightmare in the first episode. Or perhaps it's just Slayer predictive dreams?


In which Willow is back on stage, Buffy has serious facial issues and Cordy has a bad hair day.

Out of Mind, Out of Sight

In which Buffy feels left out, and may not be alone in that, we learn the meaning of a key yearbook term and the government steps in.

Prophecy Girl

In which a new dress is a big hit with everyone, Angel gets a little breathless and Buffy wants to go party.


And that's the season. Some gems there, I'm sure you'll agree, but also a lot of finding of feet. (Hint: look below the ankle.) What did you enjoy about the season? Would it be best just to start with S2, or are there important things that would be lost that way? Do you have a favourite S1 moment, image or line?

112 prophecy girl, 111 out of mind out of sight, rewatch, 110 nightmares

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