Amy's a Witchy, oh yes she is

Feb 13, 2015 16:55

Some shallow thoughts about the third BtVS season 1 episode, The Witch (with screencaps shamelessly lifted from the same site that gillo got hers - all power to them), in which Giles shows us he's not just some stuffy Brit caricature, while looking extremely gorgeous.


Buffy is enslaved by a terrifying cult....


...and we meet Amy Madison (who is indeed a witch, though we don't learn that for a while) for the first time.

What else happens?

Oh yes.

Joyce proves that, unlike Amy's mother, who can't let go of her glory days...

(Eek! Scary!)

...she's a proper grown-up - and the proof of this is that the thought of being a teenager again fills her with absolute horror.

Go, Joyce!

The Buffy/Xander/Willow love triangle achieves a pleasing symmetry when Xander tells Willow she's like one of the guys, and Buffy tells Xander he's like one of the girls.

Finally, there's a shudder-worthy ending, only slightly spoiled by bad special effects.

Firsts for the show in this episode:

It's the first time Giles gets knocked out. Also the first time we see his old Citroen. Giles also claims it's the first time he's ever cast a spell, but I flat out don't believe that.

It's the first vampire-less episode - and all the better for it, and yes that includes Angel, who is sooo annoying in season 1 (though you can forgive him for that some of the time just for being so gorgeous).

Best lines of the episode:

Giles: Why would someone want to harm Cordelia?
Willow: Maybe because they met her? Did I say that?

Extra-peppy Buffy singing Macho-man is pretty great too.

She's like drunk Buffy, only cuter and much happier.

Thoughts, anyone, or am I the only person who loves this episode to pieces?

rewatch, 103 the witch

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