And we're off!

Feb 09, 2015 22:08

Here we are, folks, ready to begin the Great Buffyverse Rewatch of 2015 ( Read more... )

102 the harvest, rewatch, 103 the witch, 101 welcome to the hellmouth

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shapinglight February 9 2015, 23:10:14 UTC
First watched these eps with my kids, who were about 14 and 9 at the time.

After the first two episodes, it was touch and go whether I'd ever watch any more. I found the vampires cheesy and tiresome (guessed instantly that Angel was a vampire and had a big argument with my daughter, who was sure he couldn't be). I also didn't like Giles, because I thought him yet another irritating cliche-Brit-in-an-American show.

As for Buffy, Willow and Xander, I was fairly indifferent, except that I didn't much like Xander and was sure he and Buffy would end up together.

Fortunately, I did tune in again, and absolutely loved The Witch. For one thing, no vampires. And Giles turned the Brit stereotype enough on its head to keep me interested. After that, I just enjoyed it.

As for what I think now, I still think the first two episodes have a lot of faults (yes, the vampires. Luke is annoying and Darla - well, she's nothing to what she'll become in AtS, as for Angel his cryptic guy act gets old before the end of the first episode) but I found Buffy, Willow and Xander very endearing right from the start (well, Xander is still quite annoying, but I forgive him because he's only sixteen), but best of all is the instant rapport between Giles and Buffy. SMG and ASH are just wonderful together, and I think the Giles/Buffy relationship really makes the show work in season 1 and that if the two actors hadn't had such great chemistry, the show would never have worked the way it did.

The Witch is still just...wonderful - and knowing how Amy will ultimately turn out gives it an extra frisson.

ETA: Forgot to mention, apart from the vampire scenes, the dialogue is just wonderful. And it still sounds very fresh and new.


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