A Challenge to the Sands (Illyria, Gen)

Sep 15, 2013 18:08

I've been AWOL for the last few weeks, I know. And given the nature of this post, it's a little ironic to say that time slipped away from me... But anyway, I'll try my best to catch up (by exploiting your catch-up amnesty) once I get some fics written.

But until then, I have a drabble for you, with Illyria against the world.

Title: A Challenge to the Sands
Rating: PG
Words: 100


Circular and unceasing, repeating and changing and evolving.

A man-made crypt, cemented in seconds, a sand-set cage entrapping us all within its blood-lined shackles; it moves, though intangible, without true purpose to exist. And yet it dictates and controls each aspect of all our feeble lives. Some can even pluck at its threads and until unravelled, we fall apart.

And it spirals, twisting and looping, drowning us all within its filthy grasp.

Such divinity daring to cradle me, jaws open and aching to consume.

And I stand in waiting, glaring into the void, for it to try and swallow.

fiction, a519 time bomb

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