two post-Origin and one post-Shells

Sep 08, 2013 20:54

Life gets busy and I forget that I intended to link some short fic I wrote here. Oh, man. I loved this part of Angel season 5. So many happy fannish memories!

Of Joy Departed (2491 words)
Relationships: Illyria/Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Additional Tags: Road Trip
Summary: Perhaps their travels would similarly write upon this shell, this god. If molded in the ways of this world, she might become more than an echo of what was lost.

Nothing Beside Remains (1815 words)
Relationships: Illyria/Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Lilah Morgan/Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Additional Tags: Apocalypse
Summary: "You're saying I can crush the life from this wretched ball of muck simply by claiming the plants as my army?"

And taking advantage of the ongoing amnesty, a post-Shells ficlet I forgot to link a couple weeks back...

Bloody Awful (406 words)
Relationships: Angel/Spike
Additional Tags: Poetry
Summary: They're both terrible poets.
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